Categoria: English

Laboratorio Metrologico Ternano

Chile, an actractive market for renewable energy sources

The country seems to have all the ingredients to be a very interesting market for clean energy technologies: great levels of solar irradiance, strong winds a growing demand for electricity and high energy prices. We talked about it with Carlos Finat, Executive Director of ACERA Asociacion Chilena de Energias Renovables. Chile’s government in September 2013…
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3 Luglio 2014 0

European renewable energy investment set to surge by 2030 on back of nearly $1 trillion of investment

The next decade and a half will see renewable energy raise its share of European electricity generation capacity from 40% in 2012, to 60% in 2030, while the share of fossil-fuel sources such as coal and gas falls from 48% to 27%, according to a major report from research company Bloomberg New Energy Finance The…
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2 Luglio 2014 0

Leadership National Members Working at IIASA Events News Alumni Giving Achievements 22 June 2014 Study shows greater potential for solar power

Concentrating solar power (CSP) could supply a large fraction of the power supply in a decarbonized energy system, shows a new study of the technology and its potential practical application. Concentrating solar power (CSP) could supply a substantial amount of current energy demand, according to a study published in the journal Nature Climate Change. In…
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30 Giugno 2014 0
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